My Thoughts on Dr. Manhattan

     I don't have many complex thoughts on the comic Watchmen and the historical or political stances. What I've taken away from this so far is that I love Dr. Manhattan/Jon as a character. In the beginning it doesn't seem like there's much to him. He is portrayed as an emotionless foreign entity. So there comes this question of whether Jon's humans emotions transferred when he regenerated in his blue form. Obviously he had to have felt something, since he dated Sally, and later Laurie. But there's something different with the way he processes emotion, as he clearly is not the same as he used to be. His emotions seemed very surface level. This is clear by the way he handles conflict with Laurie. When she became upset with him for using his powers to be in more than one place at once in an intimate moment, he responded in a very mechanical way. He said "let's talk about it" but didn't connect to her emotionally or feel any empathy to how she was feeling. He is very literal and scientific in the way he functions. Is that because he was a formerly a scientist? Or was his brain changed in the transformation? He's trying, but for some reason he can't function the way he used to. Perhaps this is what led to his outburst when he was interviewed. In that interview I think he felt more emotion than he had in a long time and became extremely overwhelmed and had no idea how to cope with something that has been void in his life for such a long time. I would honestly really love to hear other opinions on Jon and how he functions. 


  1. Hi Sarah! I think Watchmen was a very interesting comic book our teacher had us read for this unit. I am in fact very interested to see how the end of the story will play out and I liked how we talked about it in class to get other peoples perspectives on the story. I also enjoy the character Dr. Manhattan.

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  3. I also found Doctor Manhattan to be a very interesting character. I think that he is supposed to be a representation of how being too powerful disconnects a person from their sense of reality, as he is so far above the human level that it is hard for him to relate to anyone else anymore.

    I liked the way you described his emotions as being "very surface level", I think this is a very spot-on way of describing it. He simply does not emote in the more meaningful ways of everyone around him. I also agree completely that in the interview, he be came intensely overwhelmed with his own feelings, which is not something he is used to, and it caused him to blow up.

    Dr. Manhattan is a really intricate character and I'd like to see where he ends up in the rest of the story.


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